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Help & Tutorial


Use this tool to set a scheduled hook, which will be triggered by the WordPress actions, if someone visits your website and a certain amount of time has past.

How to use

  • Fill in the form on the left.
  • Copy the generated code to the clipboard.
  • Paste it into your project (functions.php or something that is enqueued there).

Hint: Don’t forget to save the snippet to reuse it later.

Quick Tutorial

Firstly you want to select a name for the snippet, to find it in Hasty for later use. (PRO only)

Now select a unique function name and define what kind of timestamp you want to use for you first cron job.

At last set the interval as you need it. To set a custom interval it is necessary to define a slug, label and the custom interval in seconds. You can use this interval for several cron jobs within your project. So it’s recommended to use an intelligible slug.

If you need help or support, you have to purchase PRO
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